Advice Regarding Diagnostic Quality of Digital Transmissions


Digital images sent for diagnosis must be of satisfactory quality such that they can be interpreted clearly and correctly. Attempting to interpret unsatisfactory digital images may be misleading and inconclusive. In an effort to enhance your Second Opinion experience, we provided some examples of images that may not be readily suitable  in order to avoid disappointment and delay in a fitting response because resubmission of new digital material is required.


Insufficient Data – this image does not include the entire tooth and related structures.




Poor angulation – foreshortening of the teeth results when images are taken at steep angles, compressing the anatomical appearance.




Bitewings – these are useful for diagnosing caries or decay, but do not show the complete anatomical structure of the teeth





Poor contrast and brightness – diagnostic quality is compromised by a lack of detail.





Cone cutting – part of the image appears blank because of poor alignment of the x-ray beam and the digital receiver. In some cases, the area cone cut may be insignificant and the radiograph can still be diagnostically useful.



We endeavor to with make your experience with our service as pleasant and simple as possible by illustrating some of these issues from the outset. We can only help where you have helped us!



(c) Dr. Elie Wolfson, 2009